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46a, Dornton Road, Balham, London, England


The 'a' bit is upstairs - there's a picture here with my Dad on the balcony. (Click on Google in the bottom left corner of the above map for a full tab map, where you can switch to street view and see the house clearly, still with the balcony but note how the stone work above the windows has been rebuilt in a simplified way).

Address : Latitude: 51.438968696825505, Longitude: -0.14575660228729248


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 GOATHAM, Eric Herbert John  11 May 192146a, Dornton Road, Balham, London, England I5


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 GOATHAM, Charles Robert ("Charlie")  29 Sep 193946a, Dornton Road, Balham, London, England I126
2 INMAN, Maggie Alice Gwendoline ("Dollie")  29 Sep 193946a, Dornton Road, Balham, London, England I93