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DNA Test: atDNA
Taken by Teresa Ann GOATHAM Test date Dec 2017 Vendor Ancestry Test Type atDNA (Autosomal) Ancestral surnames Adames, Adams, Ashley, Aston, Atwood, Aubineau, Audley, Awdeley, Bacon, Bailey, Bailie, Baker, Bampfield, BaquelÉ, Barbor, Barling, Barter, Bartlett, Bassill, Bastard, Bayton, Beann, Beaton, Beauchamp, Becon, Bellamy, Bellett, Blank, Blewett, Bluett, Board, Bodrigan, Boleigh, Bond, Bowey, Brawne, Brissenden, Britt, Brodrepp, Brown, Browning, Brugge, Brydges, Bully, Burging, Burgoin, Burley, Burr, Bussey, Butcher, Campbell, Carman, Carter, Cashpell, Catcheside, Caton, Catt Or Knight, Chaddick, Champernoun, Champernowne, Charrosin, Chubbe, Clement, Coale, Coirer, Cole, Collard, Collins, Combe, Compton, Constable, Cook, Cooker, Cookworthy, Coome, Coppleston, Cordger, Court, Courtenay, Cowlyn, Craven, Crobierd, Cudlip, Cutbush, Dash, Davy, De Courtenay, De Courtney, De Farvaques, De Moels, De Mountford, De Vere, Delyster, Denis, Denys Or Peny, Deynsell, Diggon, Dodd, Douglese, Drew, Dunkin, Durance, Dyer, Earle, Eaton, Ede, Egbeare, Ellesdon, Emmerson, Ewen, Fallapit, Falwell, Field, Ford, Forster, Fortescue, Fowell, Fox, Fred, Freeman, Friend, Fuller, Gale, Gambon, Garland, Gay, Gaynsford, Giffard, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Glanville, Glubb, Goatham, Godfrey, Goody, Goord Or Foord, Grannt, Griggs, Grigsby, Gumbril, Hackwell, Hacom, Halke, Halloue, Hambling, Hammond, Hannaford, Harcourt, Harvey, Harvye, Hatch, Hawkins, Heath, Heather, Hedger, Hele, Henning, Heron, Hext, Heywood, Hill, Hingeston, Hitchen, Holcomb, Hollock, Hook, Horner, Horton, Huit, Hull, Hungerford, Hunt, Hunter, Husbande, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hyne, Inkpen, Inman, Issell, Jamys, Jury, Justham, Kellond, Kemp, Kendall, Kettle, Killigarth, Killyow, King, Kinge, Kinsman, Knowles, Knowling, Landere, Lavers, Laye, Le Despencer, Leigh, Leuri, Ley, Light, Looe, Loucock, Lucas, Ludkin, Lyster, Mabank, Malston, Mant, Martyn, Mathew, Mattacott, Mauer, Merland, Milliton, Moore, Morgan, Mortimore, Muckleston, Muschamp, Narramore, Neale, Nenne, Newnam, Nichoals, Niele, Norries, Northmore, Nott, Nute, Ogan, Oliver, Packingham, Paddon, Pannett, Papy, Pauncefoote, Payne, Peacocke, Pearce, Pearse, Pederton, Peeke, Pennalls, Penny, Pentier, Pepperell, Perring, Peverell, Philips, Phillips, Philpott, Pike, Pollexfen, Pope, Portet, Praul, Preston, Prior, Pritchard, Pritijohn, Prout, Putt, Reed, Reynell, Reynolds, Rickson, Rider, Roberts, Robinson, Rofe, Rogers, Rose, Roy, Roze, Ryder, Rysby, Sands, Sawkins, Semmons, Sennoke, Senos?, Servant, Shelley, Shepherd, Shilston, Shinner, Shutler, Sidenham, Silveyne, Skirrett, Smith, Sone, Soullet, Springfield, Spurrell, Squire, St. Maur, Stacey, Steel, Steven, Stevens, Stighull, Stofford, Stone, Stourton, Strode, Stubberfield, Sullock, Sumpter, Swan, Sweetland, Sydenham, Symons, Tapner, Taylor, Terry, Terry ?, Thorber, Tombe, Trant, Trevillian, Tuckerman, Turney, Valletort, Verney, Vogwell, Wackom, Wadham, Wakeham, Walrond, Ward, Welbeck, White, Whitehead, Whitlooke, Whitton, Wickham, Wilcocks, Williams, Willson, Winch, Winchelsie, Winter, Wither, Withers, Wogan, Wood, Woodley, Wotton, Wyer, Wynch, [pos] Wrey Notes Although I took this test with Ancestry, I have uploaded the results to GEDMATCH, MyHeritage, LivingDNA (linked with FindMyPast) and Family Tree DNA.Linked to Teresa Ann GOATHAM, b. 31 Jan 1963, Farnborough Hospital, Kent, England